Monday, November 28, 2016

How do you see the world?

Today, I would like you to consider how you view the world. Are you more like Murphy (left in the photo) happy and optimistic or are more of a cautious Mandy? It is important to understand that your personality affects everything in your life, from how you interact with other people to how you perceive progress on your writing.

Let me give you a few examples. An optimistic person receiving negative feedback may see it an opportunity to learn and as a challenge. On the other hand, a more pessimistic person may perceive the same feedback as evidence of their failure or as devastating news. Which sounds more like you?

While it can be difficult to change the way the world is perceived, you can at least be aware of the issue, and work to change your reactions. So my more negative readers, the next time you get a negative comment, remember everyone gets them and try to think of it as a challenge to improve your writing!

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