Monday, April 17, 2017

Following Directions

I recently had an author send me their entire dissertation as an article to be published. Needless to say all of the information on the journal website discusses word and page limitations, and a dissertation does not fall into that requirement! This example illustrates a basic issue that you should remember when submitting an article to a journal for possible publication, make sure you are following the directions exactly as stated on the journal's website. Every journal varies on what they want, some follow APA exactly, others have modified the requirements. You will not know what they want until you read the directions.

What happened to the dissertation that was submitted? It was rejected! Do not follow their example!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Stay curious!

Today I want to remind you to stay as curious as Mandy is in the photo. It is so easy during the long process of writing to become bored or complacent, forgetting the drive that has led you to this point. Curiosity about everything in your environment and related to your study will keep you excited and provide the energy to get done.

Feel like you have lost the curiosity in your study? Here are some questions to lead you back. It often helps to write out your answers in your journal so you can refer back to them later. Think back to before you started your study… what lead you to that decision? Why did you decide to make that commitment? What did you want to do with your paper at that time? What steps can you take today to get you where you want to go?

Why did you choose the topic that you did? Have you read any recent books on your topic or methodology, lately? If not, that may help get you going!