Monday, August 1, 2016


How do you deal with criticism? A few common examples are: being told that your writing needs help, that you have to do yet another revision, or your paper is rejected by the journal. There are a number of possible responses to such news. You can deny that there is a problem; you can argue with the critic; or you can pout and refuse to respond to them.

A better solution is to take control and ask yourself what I can do to fix this? If writing help is suggested, listen to the comments and form a plan of action. It may help to work with a former faculty member or ask the editor if there is someone available to help with writing issues.

Criticism is always difficult, no one likes to be told bad news, and no one likes to give such news. However, both parties must keep the end goal in sight – to get your paper published. Think of it as doing whatever it takes. If it means working with an editor or rewriting one more time, do it. You do not need to feel embarrassed, it is not a failing of yours; it is simply one more step that must be taken on this long journey. 

Be tough, listen to the criticism and move on. Learn what you need to learn, and get your paper published!

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