Monday, September 19, 2016

Researcher Interview: Dr. Jesus Tanguma

1. Please briefly describe your current research.
Currently working on several projects; for example, why do researchers use language such as highly significant, approaching significance, almost significant, etc. when the results of any hypothesis testing are simply to reject or not reject the null hypothesis. Along with that, describe fallacies in hypothesis testing commonly used/found in published articles.

Another project I am working is a compilation of statistical techniques commonly used in published articles and cross reference such techniques against those taught to students in graduate school.

Structural equations modeling is a very interesting  technique; however, not all published articles where it is used report the same fit indices…thus, I am interested in a project to present the most commonly used SEM fit indices, and whether such fit indices are the most appropriate ones.

Finally, I am working with students, who have already graduated/PhD, on re-writing their dissertations and submitting to journals for possible publications.  

2 How did you come to be in this area of study?
By knowing the correct language to use, practitioners might have a better way to apply the research findings.

By cross referencing what techniques are being used in published research against what students are taught in graduate school, schools will better equipped its graduates.

Students’ dissertations have the potential to help society. 

3. What do like best about doing research?
Increase my knowledge, let the world know of what is proper/correct to say/use/do…help my students publish, just as my professors helped me get published.

4. What do you dislike the most about doing research?
Not being able to research all the topics I have in mind.

5. Advice for new researchers who would like to be published?
Find topics that you like, but will also fill gaps in the literature.
Enjoy what you research about.

And, when your paper gets rejected (because it will), do not take it personally…they do not know you, they do not know anything about you, they are just doing their job. Instead, regroup, rewrite, and resubmit.

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