Monday, January 18, 2016

New things

All new things are scary, because you do not know what to expect, and typically feel like you do not want to make any mistakes. Let me see if I can reduce that anxiety, about submitting your paper to JSBHS, by taking you through the process of submitting your paper to the journal and what you should expect. First, of course you will write your paper and check the journal's guidelines; the Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences' (JSBHS) are at: 

2) Once you are satisfied that you have followed all of the requirements in the journal, you are safe to proceed. Make sure you have the required files prepared, for JSBHS you will need an anonymous version of your paper in which you have taken out anything indicating who you are or your institution (because it will be sent out for a "blind" review- the reviewers will not know who wrote it). You will also need a cover letter in which you detail the required information discussed in the submission guidelines. You will go to the area of the journal website called "Submit an Article." The site will have you enter all of the required info, along with your paper and cover letter. 

3) As the author, your part is done; now the editor takes over. First, the editor checks that you have followed directions. Then he or she assigns 2-3 peer reviewers, these are experts in the topic of your paper. The paper is sent to them along with instructions on doing the review. They typically have up to a month or so to complete the review. 

4) When the reviewers have completed their review they write out their comments and suggestions and suggest a decision on the paper: accept as is, minor revisions required, major revisions required, reject. The editor then takes all of the comments and makes his or her own decision about the paper- whether or not it will be accepted, need revisions or be rejected for the journal. He or she then notifies you, as the author, what the decision is. (Know that it is very rare for papers to be accepted on the first draft, it typically takes several revisions). 

5) You can then revise and resubmit it as above. The same process of review is followed, as above. 

6) Let's assume your paper has been accepted. Congratulations! The editor will have you submit a clean version that has all of your identifying info it. The paper will then be sent by the editor to a copyeditor, who will check grammar, APA, and references.  

7) Then it will appear on the JSBHS website as a published paper!

Next time we will have our first researcher interview.

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